One of the first steps in engaging her as a coach was to agree to do another blog post (she likes reading them). Though I don't think she thought this would be the topic. The other step was to agree to do some of the things she tells me to do. That one may be debatable... By the way did I mention that she is in every imaginable way hawtsawss?
I think the coaching and accountability will help. The custom training plan she produced has some serious long runs, some races in the buildup and way more miles than I even want to think about right now. However it is smart as well, recovery days, build up cycles, it's the good stuff. There are forty-one weeks to go. I guess I'd better get running.
Thanks for the plan honey*.
p.s. The check is in the mail....
* = tehwifey/spouseof12years/bestfriend/ubermom/fastestchicaIknow