106 Days to Go - Hi friends!

I think I'd better start running.  No really.  I may have to take a couple of training runs to get ready for 100 miles.  I've heard that is good advice.  I'm thinking about trying it out.

So in actuality I've skipped a couple runs lately.  Either that or rationalized that chasing five and seven year olds around a soccer field for a couple of hours = about four miles of speed work.  :)

Things have to change.  Now is crunch time.  It is time to put in the work, log some serious miles, and see how this highly tuned -err sleek, aerodynamic -uhhh run away 18 wheeler of a running machine is going to hold up.

My thought coming in to work this morning was that I think it would be a great idea if the CEO picked out a day (Monday me thinks?) to stand at the door and greet people as they come in.  You know a "Thanks for coming to work today, you're going to do a great job, thanks for all the hard work you're going to put in." type of thing.  I was thinking I might have to do it myself seeing as I'm not sure the CEO will find time...

But then again, why not right now?  So.  Consider yourself welcomed.  As you are heading out for your run today, just visualize me standing there with a warm hand of friendship (not sweaty, just warm), saying ":Thanks for lacing 'em up today!  You are going to have a great run!  Thanks for putting in the effort!"  OK would it be a better visual image if you pretended I look like Ryan Hall?


Moriah said…
No, I'd rather it be you. Just you.

P. S. Thanks for running. :)
Linnea said…
I agree. Just you!
wendy said…
Wow! I just read your post from Monday and all I can say is wow! You ran 23 miles and are now training for 100? That is incredible and you leave this running chica very impressed (not to mention inspired!) : )
HappyTrails said…
Good running Ace - and the words of encouragement would mean more from you than Ryan Hall!!!

Just in case you get to the point where you are desperate for someone to go out and flog some miles with, you know where to find us...
Popsie said…
Popsie says Hi. I still think you are crazy....100 miles in less then 30 hours is absolutely insane! But that is my "BOY"! To say that I am a proud Papa would be an under statement. I simply walked 6.5 miles today...your dog assisted by pulling me up some of those hills. Please give her an extra ration of vittles tonight. She earned them. Remember that 100 miles starts with a single step! Go Leadville or Bust!
chris mcpeake said…
100 miles but your going to go slow right? ... who needs training for that....LOL
Ace said…
@HT Thanks for the offer, I might have to inquire as to your weekend schedule coming up and go bump around in the general area...
@Moriah Thanks Babe!
Naw, i'd take the random thanks of a stranger any day vs Ryan Hall. I'd be the guy who thought that Ryan did it all for PR anyway. What do you have to gain??
HappyTrails said…
@Ace Inquiries welcome. You know where to find us :-)
Unknown said…
Thanks for the handshake, Ace. Sadly, I'm not sure I even heard the world 'thank you' once today so I'm grateful for your post and your motivation!! I take my perks whenever/where ever I can...
Keep at it, buddy! Yes, you should be running.