128 Days to go - Perseverance

Wow.  So my drive to post blog entries, log miles, actually run, train to complete races has been waning a bit.  And by bit, what I mean is totally absent.  But like the Spring Baseball season now progressing, hope springs eternal.  So we are going to, in the words of Hans Gruber, "Hit it again!"

What I needed today to get me going was this video which was posted on the Leadville Traill 100 news group.

At the end it shows the tragic moment when 30 hours hits and there are runners, literally in sight of the finish line, who don't make it...


Moriah said…
I am so excited to be there when you cross that line. I believe that you will. Do you?
Indi said…
WoW!!! First can't ever imagine 100miles...and being that close and not making it has to be heart breaking.
HappyTrails said…
You'll make it if you want to. Are you still doing Greenland? If so, watch for Mr and Mrs Happy Trails!! Thanks for posting the video...
Unknown said…
I love your new blog look! You are tough and I hope the training is going well, thanks for the cool video and I want to hear more about your training! 128 days?!
Vava said…
Although I am having trouble reading your blog on account of the background image obscuring the words I still support your efforts to finish this ridiculously long race. Go!
Ace said…
@vava Thanks for mentioning that, what browser are you using? I can't seem to recreate the problem...
Gosh, after watching that vid, I showed my wife the poeple who didn't make the cut - heart breaking!!