No really. Who were the ad wizards who came up with this one? Not bright red stretch pants and turnbuckles, the whole idea of me spending ridiculous numbers of hours running. I'd like to find the guy who decided this was a good idea and give him a good smackdown. Seriously.
Oh yeah.
It was me.
Can you have a fistfight with yourself?
So I'm into those 30+ mile weeks now. I only had about four-five 30+ weeks during the approx. two years of the running streak. And its only just beginning. One thing I thought about but really had no tangible concept of was how LONG it takes to run forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, miles in one week. Especially when you consider how slow I am. I may need to get an office budget for a treadmill in my cubicle. The corresponding sweatiness might reduce my meeting invites which would be a huge plus. Win, win.
The part that really stuck out was when the author wrote that the race takes place ABOVE the altitude at which airplanes pressurize their cabins. Holy crap!
Either way, congrats on the high mileage week. They get easier to complete, but finding the time never does.