Day 631-633 The Day is Here!

Tomorrow is the big day! I and a good friend of mine will be doing the Mayor's Cup 5-k in lovely America the Beautiful park. A while back this friend started running and has just taken off! Literally! I believe he used a lot of the couch to 5-k program and he now "runs a four minute mile with an engine block strapped to his back." (bonus points for name that tune.) (The program even has sweet podcasts to listen to and keep you on track with the workouts!) I am expecting to have to use an electric scooter just to keep up with him. It should be a fun time, you know as far as actual running goes...

631 1.0 in 10:12
632 3.0 in 33:06
633 1.0 in 11:24

The kids love the fountain in the park...when the city has budget to turn it on...


Tom said…
CNR (Charles Nelson Reilly), Weird Al

Love that video! =D

Also, ZOMG Tomorrow! I'm not ready.

What if I get bleeding nipples? Are they gonna have aid stations every 50 ft just in case?
Tom said…
joyRuN said…
Good luck & have fun today! I hope that fountain is turned on - looks beautiful.
try running said…
Nice. This means a race report from ACE!
Hopefully you look left and right for the Silver Bullet, and if she shows up, you throw however many elbows you need to to stay ahead

Alright. Let me say a word or two...

1. I clearly stated that I didn't know where to go and that I wasn't very good at reading maps. I then offered the map to the others in the takers.

2. Yes, I did throw that stick, but that was early on in the run, and well, it sounded funny at the time.

3. I never did live that down. I was the guy who got lost and who was terrible with directions for the rest of high school. Well, and even now, still.

4. Looking back, now that I am a bit older, I think, man, that must have been a little nerve racking for the coach. It was getting dark. Who knows what happened. The need to get kids back for parents who were waiting to pick them up. Ya.

5. Now, Google Maps and I are good friends. Actually, during the run last week, my mind actually traced the path from "Oh no. I'm wandering off the trail...I'll post this on the blog...Ace and coach will see it...botched palmer park incident...
Laurel said…
Well this so-called, "Silver Bullet" compeditor isn't the worst possible wall you've seen while writing this blog, keep your eyes on the prize- hot sauce.
Ace said…
What tryrunning is trying to say, is that he will NEVER live down the wonderful time of being in a high school track practice, getting lost in the woods, picking up a stick and throwing it in the air, and then running (wildly) in whatever direction the stick pointed in the hopes of being found....