Yesterday was a "long run". When someone saw me limping around at work, due to the usual Achilles/heel stiffness, they commented that "eight miles should be no problem for a marathon runner!" I concur. It was also nice to be deemed a marathon runner. However, this one-time, really slow, waddling marathon runner has not run very far in a long time. He has forgotten what it is involved in running more than a few miles around the neighborhood. That fact was obvious when, directly prior to the 7.5 mile course the runner consumed copious amounts of "very hot chili sauce". You see a real marathon runner would realize the potential affect such consumption would have on the GI. The real marathon runner would have passed on the hot sauce so that during the run they could pass on waddling a half a mile in complete, mind-melting pain with his legs crossed to get to the local 7-11 and use their facilities. While this is unfortunately true, I won't be giving up my finisher's medal anytime soon.
Today, was a stroller run with the two year old riding, and the four year old running. That kind of participation actually does make running fun.
608 7.5 in 90:14
609 1.0 in 12:14
Ah - been there! I think every marathoner has been at some point. To claim otherwise would be lying.