Day 600. I'm not sure how exactly to celebrate hitting 600 days, but I feel I should somehow. My intention was to run six miles on day 600, but somehow I mixed up which day it was. Ha. I think my only choice then is to go geek and give statistical analysis. Tune out now if you don't like spreadsheets and mileage numbers. 600 days down and 131 days to go. Seems strange to think about. Generally my memory is restricted to: right now, two or three minutes ago, and things I liked when I was seventeen. Maybe that is a good thing...
p.s. I changed the blog address. It is now The old address should work for who knows how long. I wanted to make sure all the "naturalists" who also like to run could find the site more easily. :)
Year 1
Total Mileage: 800.01
Total Average miles: 2.186
Total Average time: 24:19
Total Average pace (Minutes/mile) : 11:07
Year 2 (through 8/26)
Total Mileage: 520.05
Total Average miles: 2.25
Total Average time: 25:49
Total Average pace (Minutes/mile) : 11:28
Overall Streak Totals
Total Mileage: 1320.06
Total Average miles: 2.199
Total Average time: 24:38
Total Average pace (Minutes/mile) : 11:11

(the break in the middle is from the two days at the end of '08 that didn't constitute a whole week)
597 - 1.0 in 12:02
598 - 2.35 in 24:02
599 - 1.0 in 11:3
600 - 2.1 in 22:35
601 - 1.0 in 11:42
602 - 6.0 in 71:45
603 - 1.0 in 10:12
My napkin is almost covered on both sides now, so I should probably move my data to something else... doesn't resolve properly though. You're going to lose some geek cred if you don't get that fixed. ;)
Thanks again. The little guy is out on the track, getting some 400's in right now. I told him not to come home until he got at least 12 in at his 5k pace. Being a week old now, his endurance is really improving.
@Tom - I put the stinkin' ANAME records in like three times now! argh.
@try running - better be careful he might start challenging your times...