Day 496 - Slap Chop

Late night, 11:15pm run.  I actually prefer running at night.  I think I just like feeling like I am somehow escaping the human press of suburbia and life in the big city.  (Yeah I know, I grew up in MT, any town that has a McDonald's is a big city.)  The knee lasted about 8-9 minutes before the pain started, so that is an improvement.  

I'm discerning from all the other blogs I read, that the thing to do after finishing the marathon, is to pick out the next one.  It would be nice to run more than a mile before I think about such things, but it has crossed my mind.  There are a lot of possible reasons to run another one, but I think my motivation will probably be similar to what it was before.  And although it is VERY early to be starting the faux, one-sided, challenge-your-manhood twitters to innocent people with the same name, celebrity smack talk, I can't resist throwing down the gauntlet, albeit to a slightly different target...

4:58 in the Marine Corps marathon?  Al, you is gonna get the Slap Chop!!!!

p.s. My apologies for the slap chop links.  That thing is pathologically virulent.  I've been going through the day afraid that I'm going to be in a work meeting and make a comment about making salad...or about nuts...


Nitmos said…
Knees are for wimps. 4:58 is in the bag.
joyRuN said…

Although the ecological friendliness of the slap chop would go along very well with Gore's message, I'm thinking the noise pollution associated with that damn rap isn't.

Happy training!
Tom said…
The rap chop video is worse than the "rickroll" phenomenon! after about 3 seconds of Rick Astley, I'd just shut it down. With Vince, I watch it all the way to the end, then start it over again!