September to Remember

So I partipicipated this month in the September to Remember challenge. My previous high was 82.36 (August of '08.)  My total for this month was ....83.47.  Yes, I beat it.  No, not by a lot.  OK the point was to beat it right?  Not obliterate it?  A win is a win is a win?  My 30 mile week which was preceded by a 25 mile week sort of got me there and did me in at the same time.    Thanks for the challenge it kept me going when I didn't really want to, and helped with the goal setting for the month.  We need another challenge or I'm going straight to seven miles/week (one/day.)


Popsie said…
Any ideas on this "goal setting" thing? I agreed to set a few med term and a couple of long term goals before our Christmas vacation. What are some tips to get started? This retirement stuff is over whelming. I have always had a sharp focus and now i am just "floating" from one thing to the next.
Ace said…
Well here is a link to some goal setting advice you've probably read before, but it is good I think. The other thing would be to set a goal today! Then go achieve it! Rinse and repeat. Start small, make sure you achieve it, and then get bigger. Make it a habit. Set goals for the next thirty minutes if you have to! I'd love to hear your goals (accountability is important too! Share your goals with someone so you know you can't get away with just dumping it without someone else knowing it!)
Ace said…
Forgot to put in the link!