Day 266 - Centurions

100 Days to go...the countdown is on.  The poll results are in and they say keep running, but who believes polls anyways?  :)  I started off wanting to run one mile and stop, then it became 2.35 (complete a longer loop) then it was run another mile, then it was get to thirty for the week...3.85 in 47:49 and I was hurting.  Back is sore, most likely from overuse.  Hamstrings are tight and pulling things out of whack. Gonna take it easy today, yeah right.  30.01 for the week, 100 days to go...


Linnea said…
30? 3-0? As in thirty? THIRTY??? miles? MILES? are you sure you don't mean minutes? Like this week I ran for thirty minutes? or maybe even like this week I ran thirty minutes a day? Cause..yeah.. that's like insane.